The Gay And Lesbian Community AGENDA-Guyana.


The Gay And Lesbian Community AGENDA-Guyana.

President David A. Granger,

For decades this community of fellow Guyanese was marginalized to the background of social acceptance. We have been abused (male and females), verbally, physically, and sexually, in all aspects of our daily social and political lives.

Therefore, we assert that it is now time for us to get the necessary representation from our political representatives, that ALL Guyanese are allowed under the Constitution Of Guyana.


1. Full Legal acceptance of all Gays, or Homos (closeted or not) within our society.

2. Legal Representation and Equality under the Laws Of Guyana.

3. Access to employment without bias against sexual orientation, and discrimination in all forms of employment.

4. Access to Housing (Rental or by Purchase), anywhere we can afford to buy or rent, provided we satisfy the monetary and mortgage requirements.

5. Access to Healthcare Benefits, Hospitalization care, Doctors, Mental and Psychological care, etc, in ALL Public and Private Institutions in Guyana.

6. Retirement Benefits including Death Benefits, and Health Care Insurance, from the National Insurance Scheme in Guyana.

7. Allowed to worship or pray in any Church, Synagogue, or Masjid in Guyana.

8. And allowed to marry whomever he/she wishes, provided the relationship is based on Love, and Mutual Consent, from both parties involved.

These matters I bring to you Mr. President now, because for too long it has been overlooked by previous political administrations in power.


Derryck S. Griffith.

A Training School For Public Servants In Guyana?

David Granger

President Granger is from the OLD SCHOOL. BIG TIME.

He cannot fathom how the world has changed in terms of how Public Institutions operate in this current technologically advanced world environment.

He cannot see that Public Service Institutions are non Profit Making Entities, thus certain requirements to educate people to function therein, does not apply.

This man is Semi-Obsolete in Vision and Pragmatism.

But that is what we have, and have to deal with currently.

Current Reality!

There Is NO Room At The TOP For Young People In David Granger’s Administration.

We the OLD Boys know better, and can take this nation forward in the future.

So hold on youngsters, we will keep you in mind, the next time around. Don’t loose faith or heart.

Derryck S. Griffith.

The Brain And The Mind are Separate Entities.


The Brain And The Mind are Separate Entities.

The Mind is YOU, using the Brain to make your identity manifest.

Controlling how the Brain works by some external methods, will prevent YOU the mind from operating fully.

Thus the expression Mind Control basically means, that if we could manipulate the Brain, then the Identity of that personality (YOU or the Mind), will be influenced.

But most certainly cannot be controlled.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Guyana Moves Forward In 2015!

David Granger

The Cacique Crown
Time To Dredge The Trenches And Canals Of Georgetown And The Environs!

Firstly, the above MUST be given TOP priority. Because if our streets, homes, pastures, fields, and highways continue to be flooded after every heavy down poor. Then we will have a huge debt of repair bills and maintenance to upkeep.

Secondly, cleaning those canals and trenches regularly or quarterly, may be the best way to ensure it stays clear of debris too.

Thirdly, Very Heavy Fines MUST be Legislated against those who dump waste materials into trenches, parapets, and canals.

The Mayor And City Council:

You are not exempt from your Civic Responsibilities either.

In fact, you are expected to maintain Good Public Health, Clean Streets, Parapets, Regular and Reliable Garbage Collection, and Street Repairs.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Never Forget Who You Are Fellow Guyanese!


Never Forget Who You Are Fellow Guyanese!

We may have our collective differences, or even some ethnic differences, but we are all Guyanese. Those of us who grew up under British Colonialism knows fully well what it is, not to be Independent and Self Reliant.

The British called us British Subjects, taught us their culture, and expected us to honor their values, respect their Monarch, and stand to attention at the British National Anthem. Most of us at the time did so proudly, sometimes even more so than the British themselves.

Today however, we are behaving as though we haven’t learned anything from those decades of British Colonial Subjugation, Humiliation, and Domination. Freedom and Independence comes with the reality that we are all in this experience together. And Independence can only be maintained if we collectively ensure that it stays that way.

Politicians come and go, political parties come and go, but the people still have to live or survive on a daily basis with each other, buying and selling to each other, renting and boarding from each other.

Politics are a way of life everywhere on this planet. But NEVER allow any politician to influence you to hate, indulge in war, or terrorism, because they say so.

Use that gray matter in your heads that we call the BRAIN for yourself, learn to think for yourselves, and let reasoning prevail at all times.

Derryck S. Griffith.



Regardless of where it is practiced, are prostitutes providing Special Services to a certain group of people. Mostly organized by the state or military.

In some cultures these women are victims of an occupation, caused by a war with some foreign state.

In other cultures these women may have been prostitutes before the war, and have taken the opportunity to ply their trade with the new and voluminous occupiers.

However, if women were FORCED to provide sexual services to soldiers or civilians in any culture, it is illegal, inhumane, and an abomination.

And the known victims MUST be financially compensated by the former occupying country/power.

No apology past or present is enough to justify this type of exploitation of women or men, in any culture.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Take Responsibility For Your Life Now!


I have heard it said many times over by several individuals, when confronted with the question put to them, about taking responsibility for their lives by parents or guardians. And the response is very often the same, “I did not ask to be here.” Neither did your mother, or her mother, or her mother before her. And all the way back to the first families.

This opinion I too shared earlier in my life when my Mom was using me as a Milking Cow, to feed her gambling addiction, and un-relenting desire for money. But in time I’ve learned to look at the positive side of it all, and accept that I am here now, and I aught to do something with the time allotted me here, in this physical body, and on this planet we call earth.

No more excuses in times when things are not going as desired, or challenges that seem insurmountable. Just keep making efforts to improve your situation in whatever way possible. And things will eventually change for the better. Prayer will NEVER help, as most are made to believe.

Trust me, I’ve prayed for decades and have NEVER gotten anything from it.

All that I have received came from my Personal Efforts, coupled with some help from others when asked, or who just wanted to assist me at that time of need. And for which I shall always be grateful.

Derryck S. Griffith.

The Essentials For Living Well Are Few!


In the early eras when life on this planet was simple, long before electricity was discovered. People lived a very simple life. They farmed, milked the cows, goats and sheep, fucked their wives, sisters and cousins, had many children together, and that was that.

As soon as the steam engine arrived people wanted to see far away places, so they took the train there, some stayed there, lived there, farmed there, and extended their horizons.

Electricity followed soon afterwards, and the people wanted telephones, lighted homes, motor vehicles, and radios. Which subsequently was replaced with TV, Computers, Internet, Aircraft travel, and Space travel.

All of the above are non-essentials to life and daily living in the days of yore.

But TODAY we are told these are A NECESSITY. So in order to get these things we must seek employment, earn money to buy them, and compare what we have with our neighbors, in order to see who can accumulate the most THINGS.

Then those who are able to accumulate the more material things, are considered Better than those who cannot. Thus the Lower Class, Middle class, and the Rich/Wealthy Categories were created.

Most of us fall into the Lower and Middle classes. Very few will ever get rich or wealthy. Thus an imbalanced world population, un-equal distribution of the worlds’ wealth and resources, which will always lead to wars.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Meadow Brook Gardens-Guyana Is A Dual Community!


There are TWO DISTINCT Meadow Brook Gardens Housing Communities.

The Original Self Help Housing groups.

These are small family homes on stilts and flat on the ground units. These were built by Self Help, and assisted technically by the Ministry Of Housing, with the lumber, and other necessities., during the L F S Burhnam era. The Posh Section today came long after the initial Self help houses were finished and occupied.

Unfortunately, the Self Help Housing were built by and for very low income households. So they do not get the necessary sanitation disposal regularly, and no sewerage pipelines either.

Septic Tanks leak, spill over into gutters that are not serviced by the City Council or any other authority. And the roads are not paved with tar or cement in those communities.

Flooding occur often whenever it rains heavily, the yards and roads are flooded for lengthy periods. Crime seems to be endemic in this Self Help community. Indicative of placing a certain type culture living side by side. Thus the typical ghetto culture develops.

Derryck S. Griffith.