The Philippines Police Brutality Drug Bust!


The Philippines Police Brutality Drug Bust!

A 17 year old child was killed by the Police here, in their hunt for Drug dealers, sellers, and users.

In response to an edict given by president Duterte. Three Police officers were arrested and charged for this crime.

The question to now ask is why only three Police officers?

When it is common knowledge that thousands of Philippinos were brutally murdered with impunity by the Police.

Derryck S. Griffith.

The Emigrating Migrant’s Phenomenon!

The Emigrating Migrant’s Phenomenon!

This phenomenon is continuing everywhere there is political strife, wars, famine, and mass un-employment.

But can states be forced to accept thousands or even millions, if their National Budgets cannot accommodate this additional expenditure?

I say, let each state do the Arithmetic, and decide for themselves. if or how many migrants they can afford to take in.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Healthix-Medical Data Collector?


Healthix-Medical Data Collector?

Is the NY State’s Private Contractor Of medical Information pertinent to those who sign their consent form. ALL personal medical information, including doctor’s visits, medications used, hospital stays, hospice, or other related medical information about you are kept there.
The reason being that such information MUST be kept in ONE place, to be easily accessed when needed by the authorities concerned.
Just like the NSA, your private medical history is being documented by the state?
Another invasion of personal privacy by the state!

Derryck S. Griffith.
