The Hippie Generation Versus ISIL:

AK47 Rifle

The Hippie Generation Versus ISIL:

Which of these attracted the young in droves?

The Flower movement was all about Freedom Of Expression, love making, and doing whatever makes you happy.

I.SI.L. is about Beheading, or Cutting Throats for the LOVE of it all. No Rationale, or Moral Compass involved!

Derryck S. Griffith.

Are Blacks More Educated And Employable After Graduating College?


Hitherto to the Internet, college aspirants and students had to depend on the recommended books prescribed for tuition.

Some lecturers even insist that you purchase one or more of their published books, in order to research and pass a specific subject of contention.

Today with the Global Internet, each student and potential aspirant, MUST use it to widen his/her horizon on any subject of interest.

You will be amazed just how much information and knowledge is available for FREE, via this medium.

Derryck S. Griffith.

The Crimea Is In Economic Destitution Currently!


The Crimea Is A Pariah State/Region. STOLEN from Ukraine on the assertion that it was falsely given to the Ukraine, by the misguided Russian Premier Khrushchev.

Meanwhile, the New Russian controlled and annexed Crimea, is hurting badly economically.

It is too far from Russia, and Russian businesses have not moved there, or invested therein as yet.

The Pro Russian Crimeans thought they were leaving the Jaws of Kiev’s Mafia. Only to end up in the Jaws of the Russian Mafia.

No Complaints Or Dissent Allowed Here!

Who Are You? And Who Am I?


These questions have been asked for centuries, with numerous explanations. So here is mine.

When you look at this physical body and communicate with another physical body, we do so via the mouth, and with vocal sounds. Overtime, we learn what each sound mean as we communicate.

We also learn to do sign communication with our hands or limbs, and eyes too. We hear coming from the mouths of each body, other sounds. But we do not see who, or where these sounds originate.

We also learn overtime that the brain in our skulls operate like a computer. It receives thought waves, processes them, interprets them, and tells us what it is or mean. Some we file away for future reference, and others we act upon instantly.

This information receiving and interpreting continues non stop 24/7, until we physically die, or this body is not longer able to carry out these functions.

So Who Am I?

I am invisible, have always been invisible. I can only make my invisible self known to others in this physical reality, via the above manner.

Therefore, I was, and have always been invisible. I am perpetual, infinite, and beyond comprehension.

Derryck S. Griffith.

White Racism In America Is Permanent:


It came with the First British Colonizers. They inflicted genocide on the Indigenous peoples/nations. Then they brought Black Africans from Africa to use as animals to enrich themselves.

Then the fooled the Blacks to fight for them against their British monarch, promising to Free them afterwards. Which they never did, only to re-capture the Blacks again and use their labor in Indentureship and Share cropping exploitation.

The Civil Rights Bill in the 1960’s gave Blacks the ability to register and vote, but most of the Souther states never enforced that law.

In fact both political parties frustrated Black Americans in the Registration process, asking for several pieces of I D, and other documentation they could never produce. Thus making most of them in-elibible to vote.

The White racists hitherto, openly used their racist organization like the Klu Klux Klan to intimidate Blacks with fear and trepidation. But after the Civil Rights Enactment, they went under cover.

Today most of the White supremascists are within the Police Services, and Military Institutions in America. Using these institutions to further their hate, prejudice and discriminating practices.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Why Do Some Revolutions Succeed, And Others Do Not?


I think the success or failure depends on the prior history of that culture.

Was it governed by local or foreign rulers?

Were the local people in charge of the Local or State affairs?

Was the Local population allowed to speak, move around, travel, study, practice religion, and dissent freely?

Was political activities like Local and National elections, campaigning, establishing political parties, voter registration, voting freely, and fairly, encouraged?

All of the above aspects MUST be in place, for any successful transition to ever take root and change the system.

Derryck S. Griffith.