Israel’s Fear Of Iran Nuclear Pursuits?

Israel’s Fear Of Iran Nuclear Pursuits?

For decades the illegal state of Israel have been killing Iran’s nuclear scientists.

Hoping that by so doing, they could stop or sabotage the development of their nuclear capabilities.

But all of their efforts have failed, because Iran have not stopped, and who knows how close is their ability to deploy a nuclear warhead into Israel.

If any such encounter should occur between Israel and Iran in the future, Israel is responsible for pushing Iran into that direction.

Bipartisanship Is For Weaklings!

Bipartisanship Is For Weaklings!

When you are the majority in Parliament or The Senate, you have the option to pass any piece of legislation without the opposition voting yes for it.

Believing that you should get some opposition figures to come on board willingly, is for fools and weaklings.

Covid19 And Stress At Home!

To all of you fellas that are married or living with children, here are some tips to keep in mind.

The lock down and prohibition is affecting most of us negatively, and stress levels are rising as a result.

We feel easily agitated, angry, not being able to have sex as we desire, or none at all.

Not being able to hug, kiss, embrace a mate, loved one, or partner now. And worse of all the women with children whom are at home most of the time, and need lots of attention, which stresses her out the most.

So fellas you have to pitch in here now more than ever. Help your partner with the children more often, discipline them if necessary through explanation, and organizating their activities too.

All of the above and more will help you all to cope with this situation much better.