All Credibility Is Gone From The Human Race!


There was a time when a man’s word was his bond, and a woman’s virginity meant something. Nowadays, such things are scoffed at or totally ignored as important.

Our political leaders cannot be trusted to hold any Public Office, and whatever they promise to deliver is as hollow as bamboo. But we are stuck with them, because this is how the world works currently.

Our religious leaders and priests are also false, pedophiles, rapists, and adulterers dominate ALL religious institutions globally. And some have taken on the role of a God or Dictator over their people.

Our parents, guardians, and siblings have also lost all credibility when it comes to personal responsibility, accountability, and budgeting. Greed, envy, avarice, and jealousy, overwhelm our family relations and relationships.

Friendship does not mean anything anymore. At least not the interpretation from the days of Yore that said, True friendship requires trust, self-lessness, sharing, love, and acceptance.

Finally, today I share the view of a pessimist who said long ago, “the more I know of people, the more I love my dogs.”

This attitude is growing on me daily.

Derryck S. Griffith.

Israeli Report On Military Discrepancies. (By former Israeli soldiers).


Soldiers are allowed to kill whomever they feel like among Palestinians.

Israeli soldiers are allowed to operate like loose cannons, without oversight and supervision.

One platoon commander told a subordinate “spare no ammunition on Palestinians.”

Derryck S. Griffith.

Source: france24_en

CRIMINALS AND MONEY Rule The World, and Call The Shots.

Manny and Mayweather

Manny Pacquiao vs Floyd Mayweather 2015.

MANNY was clearly the Better boxer. ROBBERY, ROBBERY, ROBBERY.

American money and influence have won the day again. SPORTS have gone to the DOGS now!

The SECOND time Manny was robbed by the Judges.

This was quite clear tonight with this Boxing Match between Manny and Mayweather.

However, No Loss To Mannys’ Credibility here!

Did The Pharaohs Have The Technology To Build Those Pyramids?



A Pharaohs Tomb

Ancient Egyptians believed the earth was flat, And when the Sun went down in the evening, it descended into the Under World, or under the Earth.

And re-emerged the Next morning, or at Sunrise.

Therefore, with a culture so limited in the knowledge of this earth, and a Pharaoh that lived his entire life building his tomb, in preparation for his departure to the Under World.

How could such people have the brilliance to build those Pyramids?

They must have gotten some assistance from an alien people via visitation, from another planet.

The same question could be asked of the Aztec, Inca, and those who built the Stonehenge Circular Arena too!

Derryck S. Griffith.