This Is How The HIV Virus Operates!

This Is How The HIV Virus Operates!

It behaves in the following manner.

1. It attacks your Immune or D4 cells, by attaching itself to the protein that covers those cells.

2. The protein cover is fooled into thinking it is a friend, and allows the virus in.

3, Then the HIV virus replicates until it explodes, or bursts open that cell, thus destroying it.

So by destroying those D4 cells, you no longer have immunity to any virus, as the HIV destroys your immune system in this fashion.

Leading to the status AIDS, or Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome.

Derryck S. Griffith.


Archery-An Adulterated Culture Today!

Archery-An Adulterated Culture Today!

#ArcheryToday: The indigenous peoples all over the world, even the Mongols who conquered lands far and wide, used the arrow and bows made by themselves. Which did the job without any fanfare or hindrance.

Today, professional archery requites special bows and arrows, and even arm guards and finger guards.

This is an adulteration of this traditional culture and way of life.

#INDIA: Prime Minister Mahendra Modi Said India Is For Hindus?

Prime Minister Mahendra Modi says India is for Hindus. And he has introduced a Bill to legalize all emigrants who are Hindus.

But Not Muslims.

Incidentally, Mahendra Modi is from the Dalit or untouchable strata of India.

This Apartheid policy is also indicative of what we see happening currently in Guyana’s political climate from the opposition.

Using ethnic slurs and innuendos to gain support from the Indian segment of this society, spells trouble along the road for national unity, parity, and inclusion.

PM Nodi-India

The Land Is Not For Ownership Or Sale!

#TheLandIsNotForOwnershipOrSale: This planet we call earth was here billions of years before the first human specie evolved.

Therefore, we have absolutely no right to ownership of any part of it.

The state should take sponsorship of all lands, and charge a fee for the leasing of any amount for Private Residence, and Private enterprising activities.

And all mineral resources found thereunder, the profits MUST be equally shared between the state and the lessee of those lands.

Derryck S. Griffith.