Fellow Guyanese!

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Fellow Guyanese, We cannot survive as a people without co-operation, acceptance, and tolerance, of our collective ethnic differences. Our ancestors came here under various circumstances, and of which we are aware, was very tragic and traumatic to this day. However, we are here now as their descendants, and have to live, survive, and thrive together … Continue reading

Russia Is Fighting NATO’s Mercenaries Currently.

And what is left of Ukraine’s Army battalions are now being used to protect the Capital Kiev. Ukraine is also beheading the mercenaries killed as they flee from the Russian onslaught. Because they do no want those foreign fighters’ identities known. But the Russians say they know most are Polish, British, Israeli, and US mercenaries. … Continue reading

Who Are Russian Bots? And Who Determines That?

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A Bot is a person that uses or Blogs on Twitter, Facebook, and any other Social Media platform. He/she may voice or write favourably about Russia or Russians, which conflicts with the USA, Britain, the EU and other western allies approved narrative or agenda. In fact, if anyone does not toe the Western line or … Continue reading

Ukraine’s Fascist Nazi Regime Is Now Forcing Foreigners Into The Fight With Russia.

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Yes, Zelensky has lost most of his fighting forces already, and is using foreign mercenaries to fill the void. He is now forcing any foreigner/s to join the fight, and desperately trying to keep up appearances. But for how long will this gambit fool his sponsors? The Russians are advancing with precision, stealth, and land … Continue reading

A Common Currency Between Brasil And Argentina Is Imminent!

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If Brazil and Argentina could agree to a common currency, to use for trading between them. Then I hope that other Central and South American countries accept this method of payment and trade solution, to avoid American and European traditional economic and financial sanctioning methods. Derryck S Griffith.

NGO’s Are American CIA Infested Organizations, That Covertly Engage In Political Subversion Abroad.

They cajole and endear themselves to the ignorant and gullible populations in crisis areas, or places where help is needed. And they presume to have sincere concern for the plight of the destitute, dis-enfranchised, and the displaced. When in fact they are amassing vast amounts of information about the culture and politics of that country, … Continue reading

“The PMC Wagner Group Of Musicians, And Militants Are Unstoppable.”

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The USA, her allies, the EU and NATO, will arise one morning very soon, and hear that Russia has overran Kiev and all the other main cities in the Ukraine. And all that is left standing is the presidential palace, for president Zelensky to occupy temporarily, and to surrender from. And when that time comes … Continue reading