The Truth About Syria’s Internal War!


The Truth About Syria’s Internal War!

It started out as a Peaceful Demonstration in the city of Aleppo, by civilians wanting a say in their governance, and Human Rights guarantees.

It was infiltrated by terrorists individuals who fired on the Police. This situation escalated, causing more terrorists groups to infiltrate these peaceful demonstrations everywhere, until it got totally out of control.

And evolved into a Total Terrorist War with the Assad regime and state.

When the Assad regime had lost most of the country to the terrorists, aided by the USA and other clandestine states. Russia came to it’s aid, and eventually retook all or most of those lost territories.

Today, the final mopping up of the remnants are being conducted.


The Truth About The Saudi Arabia/Qatar Debacle!


The Truth About The Saudi Arabia/Qatar Debacle!


Saudi Arabia is a US ally. And the USA sells billions of dollars in military hardware to that kingdom. They are also Sunni Muslims.


Qatar is also a Sunni Muslim kingdom, headed by an Emir, but does not share the same religious philosophy with Saudi Arabia. Which is the Wahabist doctrine.


And Qatar is also accused by the USA, Saudi Arabia and her allies, as financially supporting terrorist groups.


Currently, being blockaded by Saudi Arabia and her allies, followed by a pre-sumptuous and brazen list of dictates to Qatar. For them to agree to, before this blockade can be lifted.



The Movie 12 Years A Slave!



Derryck In Brown Suade Top-1

The Movie 12 Years A Slave!

Is the typical kidnapping of a Black male during the slavery period in America.

But this individual was a free man, and was conned into believing his White acquaintances had his best interest at heart.

They wined and dined him. And when he passed out drunk, they shackled him in chains.

Which was the result of his stupidity for trusting the White man.


Growing Older And Being Alone!


Why Do You Need Company To Grow Old With?


I say, this mentality is acquired from the society at large. Millions of individuals older in age, live alone and love doing so.


Not all of us have relatives or families that will take care of us Full Time until death.


When you are incontinent, demented, deaf, poor in sight, hard of hearing, and grumpy. That could be quite a handful for any relative to deal with on a daily basis.


Therefore, I say, learn to live with yourself, keep your own counsel, cook and clean for yourself, and acquire a hobby. Like Blogging, Social networking, or Writing on the Internet.


The Whole Truth About The Prodigal Son.


The Whole Truth About The Prodigal Son.

When he returned to his father’s home, after squandering his inheritance. Broke, destitute, and hungry, his father took pity on him, took him in, because after all, he was still his son.

But that does not mean he will be accepted by his brothers as if nothing happened, and all is well again. No, no, no, he will eat and live in that home until his father dies. Then he will not get any inheritance money or material goods bequeathed to his brothers.

And would probably be asked to move out as well.

So you see, returning home was just a temporary reprieve for him. He was a Black sheep, ungrateful, and did not deserve any more assistance from his. family.


The London Tower Block Fire Solutions!




The London Tower Block Fire Solutions!

The residents of that gutted building have lost everything. Personal effects, personal documents, passports, and birth certificates.

All of these things MUST be provided to these people quickly.

Secondly, they have no place to live as families or as individuals, with their own private space, and safety.

Thirdly, temporary homes or shelters would end up like all refugee camps do. They last forever, and nothing is done to re-house them again.

Fourthly, many of these residents are employed people, how will they get to work again, because they have no address, utility bills, or postal address to provide future employers, now they are in limbo.

Finally, these people have to have access to bathrooms/showers, toilets, kitchens/canteens, on a daily basis. And those who need special medial attention, help, or medicine MUST be given access to them urgently.


Derryck S. Griffith.