#Linkedin: Here is my take on this web site.

This site allows users to advertise their academic and commercial achievements via networking.

This is all I gather it does really. Because I have never had any offers for my Blogging Services from anyone therein.

And I have scores of followers who wanted to get on my page, But I only keep this page alive because of them.

Over Population Cannot Be Allowed To Continue Unabated.

Over Population Cannot Be Allowed To Continue Unabated.

Countries like India and China with their bourgeoning populations cannot continue to grow indefinitely.

Because they will be unable to sustain themselves with food, shelter, and all the essentials of modern living indefinitely.

Limiting how many children families should have MUST be encouraged, or entertained in these two countries especially, and others on the same path.

Trans-genders And Professional Sports.

Nature created two specific human genders, and that is the Female pro-creator and her Male facilitator.

Any cosmetic or surgical alterations done to the human anatomy, which results into a different type of human specie is not normal.

And therefore, must be seen and accepted as such.

However, society generally should embrace them, but openly acknowledge they cannot be allowed to compete with others unlike themselves.

The Juneteenth Holiday In The USA?

President Joe Biden makes a holiday, a time when Black Africans were brought to the USA and sold as slaves.

This White male is just another misguided, and doting president once again.

Commemorating the sale of Black Africans, sold in the America’s is nothing to celebrate.

Acknowledging that it was Evil, and compensating the descendants of those slaves is most essential.

Or all of this is just hypocrisy.

Women Today Have These Roles To Play.

1. Child bearing, marriage, and family nurturing.

2. Independent living without marriage.

3. Single educated, and un-educated women.

These three categories that most women associate themselves with are traditional and accepted globally.

Men from time immemorial were the protectors of the family, the providers, and role models for sons and daughters alike.

In both male and female categories they are conflicts that will occur from time to time.  And that my friends is human nuture.

Employed Mother’s Issues?

Single and married mothers have had to seek employment to earn a living for centuries now.

They managed it in the best way they can. Paying for a sitter to keep their young ones is not affordable for many.

So this is where grandmothers, siblings, and other relatives assist whenever they can too.

Employers may be sympathetic with women with children at work. But the truth is, the men and women have got to adhere to the same rules pertaining to punctuality, regularity, and productivity on the job too.