#FightingCorruption: I often hear Publicly elected officials and others in the TV media, make comments about fighting corruption.

However, for clarifficafion purposes. One cannot fight what one cannot see.

If some individual/s are suspected of embezzling money from the coffers of government or private enterprise, he or she , after the relevant evidence is acquired, should be dismissed, or handed over to the Police for them to charge.

Derryck Griffith


This Internet monopolist started in a college dormitory, among students who wanted to share ideas freely among themselves.

And also to help promote Freedom Of Expression, verbally, visually, and written, as per that intellectual community standards.

Today however, Facebook have become the controller, monopolist, and dictator of information, that they feel users aught to comply with and disseminate.

But they will never have their way with Free and Independent Thinking Internet users.

Derryck Griffith.

Who And What Are The Taliban In Afghanistan?

They are a number of things, but mostly ordinary Pashthun civilians, bent on creating an Islamic state with daily regulations based on Sharia laws.

They call themselves Muslims, but were and are still engaged in random killings, revenge killings, the killing of women and girls, and the killing of those who worked with, or helped the foreign occupiers and diplomats.

Their past behavior in Afghanistan warrants negative suspicions about their real intentions, as they are now the sole political and social overseers of the country.

They never approved of Anerica’s and other nations that occupied their country, regardless of what they claimed to be doing for the people therein. Because the political corruption and graft never ceased among the political leadership.

And the Americans trampled fellow Afghans wherever they went, with disrespect, indifference, and portrayed a superior attitude towards Afghans.

Derryck Griffith.

#Britain: “The British Slave Trade.”

The British never told their citizenry they were conducting and facilitating slavery in their colonies.

But what they did was to contract this work to the private British East India Co., so that it would not reflect negatively on them.

And sat back to receive billions of blood money obtained from this immoral human trafficking business.

Derryck Griffith.

#TheOzoneLayerCrisis: This is the spherical atmospheric shield, that keeps the oxygen within our atmosphere, from escaping outwards into space.

Without oxygen all life on this planet will cease instantly.

Right now, there is a gash in the ozone layer or shield, caused by human toxic expulsions.

Until we cease polluting the atmosphere, that gash will widen, and eventually all of our oxygen supply will dissipate.

Derryck Griffith.

The Knight’s Templars!

The so-called Holy Grail was their globally accumulated wealth and power.

This global cartel of mercenaries and criminals who plundered lands wherever they went, bought property for shelter in those lands, as they grew richer and richer for centuries. And all with the blessings of the Catholic church from time to time.

They used whatever disguises the situation required or was necessary. But their traditional military attire was white overalls, with a red cross on their chest.

They were ruthless opportunists, who flaunted with any enterprise that would bring them wealth.

Today they operate in plain sight as legitimate businesses and businessmen, who pay taxes and financially support political officials.

Derryck Griffith.

#AThirdBoosterVaccine: When you have received both vaccines already, your immunity to getting sick and dying from Covid19 is almost impissible.

So why take a third booster shot?

Some people in the medical community contend, that it will further boost your immunity against the replica called Delta.

But I say, this is most ridiculous, because over saturation of any vaccine is detrimental to your health.

And personally, I will not have a third booster vaccine.